Our Search Process
National Staffing Group's Exclusive Search & Selection Process
Conducting an extensive search on your own is an all-consuming task that distracts your organization from what it does best. A successful search project requires specific knowledge and resources as well as huge quantities of time. At National Staffing Group we have concentrated over 30 years of successful search experience into an Exclusive Search and Selection Process .
This logical, structured approach is utilized each time we execute a search project. It allows us to tailor the process to address your specific needs and lets us focus all of our energies on building the best candidate selection pool for your particular position.
Here is how National Staffing Group's Search & Selection Process can work for your company:
This is the most important part of the search process. If we don't understand exactly what qualities you seek in a candidate, the search will not produce the desired results. This is why National Staffing Group concentrates on listening first.
1. Conduct a thorough needs analysis to obtain all the information required to complete a professional search. This includes strategizing on how to attract candidates from your top competitors.
2. Build a profile of the ideal candidate against which we screen potential candidates. Prepare a written document detailing the ideal profile and a strategy for presenting the opportunity to candidates. Obtain your approval.
3. Consult with you on industry compensation standards and construct a compensation model.
4. Examine direct and indirect competitors as well as identify alternate companies that employ candidates possessing the skills and experience you seek as well as identifying all “hands-off” companies.
5. Develop a list of targeted companies and potential candidates for your review if you so desire.
Here is where National Staffing Group's 30+ years of experience provide unmatched value. We have the resources and unique experience to identify and engage the top talent in the automotive industry.
6. Conduct comprehensive telephone interviews with candidates using behavioral based questions to ascertain three crucial qualifying factors:
Do they have the appropriate background?
Are they willing to change jobs for the right opportunity?
Do their goals in making a career move align with yours?
7. Present a short list of highly qualified candidates who have successfully passed the screening process.
8. Present the candidate resumes and summaries from qualifying interviews with selected candidates.
Comprehensive Interviewing
In this step you determine if we have a match. By this point National Staffing Group has significantly increased the potential for success by understanding your needs, screening candidates against that criteria and presenting those candidates who best match your requirements.
9. Arrange and coordinate the initial interview between you and the candidate. This interview may be by telephone, face-to-face.
10. Prepare the candidate for the initial interview including briefing them on the agenda, your priorities and expectations.
11. Prepare you for the initial interview drawing attention to the candidate's particular goals and aspirations.
12. Debrief with the candidate following the interview and capture their initial thoughts and concerns.
13. Debrief with you and discuss preliminary conclusions. Professionally release any candidates not selected to continue in the process.
14. Arrange and coordinate second interviews and discuss particular areas of concern.
15. Debrief with both you and the candidates following the second interviews. Professionally release any candidates not selected to continue in the process.
16. Conduct professional reference checks and provide written summaries of those interviews.
Experience makes all the difference. Our 30+ years of experience managing delicate negotiations will add tremendous value and help you avoid costly pitfalls. Our goal is to create a win-win outcome for both you and your candidate of choice.
17. Verify earnings and negotiate a win-win compensation package.
18. Communicate verbal offer of employment to the candidate of choice to help ensure acceptance.
19. Consult with the candidate and resolve resignation and counteroffer issues.
20. Confirm the start date and obtain written confirmation from the candidate.
Follow Through
It's not over until it starts! The period between acceptance of an offer and the start date is a critical time for a new employee and it's important they remain connected to the new company during their transition phase. This is also when National Staffing Group conducts our post search debriefing protocol to evaluate the completed search and results.
21. Remain in contact with you and the candidate through the start date and initial days of employment. Experience has shown that this is a vulnerable time for candidates in transition and we work to keep them connected and comfortable with their decision.
22. Conduct a conclusion interview with you to ensure the project was completed to your satisfaction.
23. If acceptable, request a reference letter and permission to use your name for reference purposes.
This equation has proven itself successful time and time again. At National Staffing Group a successful search is a partnership between a motivated and involved client, and experienced search professionals. We begin by listening, apply the knowledge we have gained to launch the research process, identify potential candidates, manage the interview process and ensure the final negotiations culminate in a successful hire. By doing what we do best, National Staffing Group allows you to concentrate on your business – which is what you do best – while we recruit your leaders for the future.
National Staffing Group Ltd.
PO Box 110488
Naples, Florida 34108
E-Mail: kim@nsgl.com